Read the text, then answer the questions. 1 Why do people in Kazakhstan eat so many dishes from different countries?
2 What is plov?
3 Which traditional Kazakh foods are healthy?
4 How do people in Kazakhstan show that guests are welcome?​

Read the text, then answer the questions. 1 Why do people in Kazakhstan eat so many dishes from diff

motoquence motoquence    2   14.04.2021 14:02    2

angelikamaxowoz4v angelikamaxowoz4v  14.04.2021 14:10
1) Because people from a lot of different countries have settled in Kazakhstan.
2) Plov is a rice dish, usually made with mutton and carrots.
3) Kymyz (horses' milk) and shubat (camels' milk) are really healthy.
4) Kazakhs' way of welcoming the guests is always trying to cover the whole table with food.
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