Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0) The Recipe for Good Communication
Research shows more than half of our (0) conversations CONVERSE
end in some sort of (32). While it’s easy to blame UNDERSTAND
the (33) for the problem, we are also to blame if we
don’t clarify what we mean in the first place. LISTEN
Accurate listening requires (34) and effort and CONCENTRATE
if you try to do something else at the same time, you won’t
listen (35). EFFECT
There’s a (36) for people to think they know what TEND
a speaker is going to say, instead of hearing them out,
or to criticize too (37) before a person has READY
(38) made their point. It’s when people feel they are FULL
being undervalued and are not treated with (39) that POLITE
problems begin and (40) can break down. Treating RELATION
others as you want to be treated is an (41) rule for ESSENCE
good communication.

ju1227 ju1227    3   19.10.2020 01:16    29

Annaaa63879 Annaaa63879  18.11.2020 01:17





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