Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Imagine you are sailing at night with a hurricane blowing, thousands of miles from the nearest dry land. Suddenly, there is loud noise and your sail brakes free. Your only chance survival is to climb the mast in the darkness and fix , even though you haven’t slept for two days. It’s all just part of a typical working day for Ellen Macarthur, the first woman to sail alone the world.
Ellen to go on sailing trips holiday with her aunt when she was eight years old and she fell in love with it. She go sailing whenever she could and she saved all her pocket money until finally she able to buy her first boat. When she was 18, Ellen sailed alone around the coast of Britain, was a great achievement. Now, as well as a famous sailor, she is an author and her stories of her adventures at sea are very popular. She likes keep in touch with people while she’s in the middle of the ocean, search for her online and you might be able to send her an email!