read the text below and look carefully at each line. if a line is correct, put a tick (√) by it. if it has a word which should not be there, write the word at the end of the line.

creating a habitat for wildlife is so simple you can do it in your 1
own back yard. all you need to start them are a few things to 2
supply the wildlife with, such like shelter, water and food. 3
this can be achieved by choosing the proper trees and shrubs 4
for your area that they will provide birds and mammals with 5
both food and shelter. many of birds and animals also 6
depend on flowers for nectar, so be sure to have a wide 7
variety of flowers. the type of plants you use will depend on 8
the each type of wildlife in your area and what food sources 9
they need. as for the water you will be need, digging a small 10
hole in the ground and filling it with water is sufficient for 11
the most wildlife. you can also put up a birdbath, which 12
you can be bought at most garden shops. butterflies like being 13
around mud holes, so make a mess in a corner if you like. 14
don’t feel you need a large back yard so to make sure wildlife 15
visit. even if the balcony of a city apartment can become a 16
wildlife habitat, so long as well there is enough food, shelter 17
and water for the animals and plants

verbenalaym verbenalaym    2   12.07.2019 15:58    68

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