Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalized words. a summer holiday at our book centre means that you can use of all the outdoor the centre features. from activity fun-packed water sports, such as sailing, kayaking, windsurfing, to challenging kinds such as abseiling, climbing the high ropes, there really for be, some everyone. if the sun is out and the heat of the day becomes too much, cool off you in the fabulous subtropical swimming pool with wave machine. it is really excite

лрпку6у6у6о лрпку6у6у6о    2   01.08.2019 03:30    24

123451528 123451528  03.10.2020 19:19
Booking, activities, is something, yourself, exciting
Настя18031 Настя18031  12.01.2024 12:49
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски, преобразовывая слова, написанные заглавными буквами. Летний отпуск в нашем книжном центре предполагает, что вы можете воспользоваться всеми преимуществами центра на открытом воздухе. От развлекательных видов водного спорта, таких как парусный спорт, каякинг, виндсерфинг, до вызывающих видов спорта, таких как альпинизм, подъем по высоким веревкам, здесь действительно есть что-то для каждого. Если солнце светит и жара дня становится непереносимой, охладитесь в удивительном субтропическом бассейне с волнами. Это действительно волнующе.

Оригинальный текст предоставлен ниже с пропущенными словами, выделенными заглавными буквами.
"a summer holiday at our book centre means that you can use of all the outdoor the centre features. from ACTIVITY fun-packed water sports, such as sailing, kayaking, windsurfing, to challenging KINDS such as abseiling, climbing the high ropes, there really for be, some everyone. if the sun is out and the heat of the day becomes too much, COOL OFF you in the fabulous subtropical swimming pool with wave machine. it is really EXCITing"

Now let's fill in the gaps and transform the capitalized words:

"A summer holiday at our book centre means that you can make use of all the outdoor features the centre has to offer. From engaging fun-packed water sports, such as sailing, kayaking, windsurfing, to thrilling activities such as abseiling, climbing the high ropes, there really is something for everyone. If the sun is out and the heat of the day becomes too much, you can refresh in the fabulous subtropical swimming pool with a wave machine. It is truly exciting."

Explanation and Step-by-step Solution:

1) "use of all the" - transformed to "make use of all the" to improve clarity and coherence in the sentence.
2) "activity fun-packed" - transformed to "engaging fun-packed" to provide a more descriptive adjective for the noun "water sports".
3) "challenging kinds" - transformed to "thrilling activities" to use a more appropriate and expressive word for a variety of adventurous activities.
4) "for be" - transformed to "is" because "there really is something for everyone" is a grammatically correct phrase.
5) "cool off you" - transformed to "you can refresh" to improve the sentence structure and make it more understandable.
6) "it is really excite" - transformed to "It is truly exciting" to use a more appropriate and expressive adjective for the following noun "swimming pool".

Overall, by transforming the capitalized words and making slight improvements in the sentence structure, the text becomes more clear, coherent, and easier to understand for a student.
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