Read the text and complete the sentences using the third conditional Use your imagination for
questions 8 and 9

Some scientists believe it's possible that there are billions and billions of universes. Each universe has
a different possible consequence for every action. In the universe we live in, for example, Vladimir
Vladimirovich Putin was re-elected President of the Russian Federation in March 2004, and Russia won
92 medals in the 2004 Olympics. But in other universes different things happened. Imagine if that's
truel in some universes, your parents didn't meet, so you weren't born. In another universe, a meteor
didn't strike the Earth, so the dinosaurs didn't become extinct. In a different universe, your best friend
won the lottery last summer and moved to a bigger house. In another parallel universe, you started
learning English a year earlier, so you did this book last year! Somewhere else, Madonna wasn't
discovered, and so didn't make any records. In another universe, van Gogh was recognised as a great
painter during his lifetime, and so didn't die In poverty. And perhaps in several universes, there were
enough lifeboats on the Titanic and so everyone on board survived. It makes you think doesn't it?​

Read the text and complete the sentences using the third conditional Use your imagination forquesti

nikita4502 nikita4502    2   01.06.2020 13:47    901

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