Read the text again. Seven sentences are missing Match each sentence (A-H) to the gaps (1-7). There is one extra sentence. Justify your answers. A. Instead, I disturbed an enormous rattlesnake and quickly made my way back! B.Iwas a bit disappointed that I saw nothing worth photographing that night. C."Wait until tonight," the tour guide told me.
D.I couldn't help smiling at these amusing sights.
E.Istarted to lose hope during the night.
F.As we headed back to the hotel, I stared up into the starry night and couldn't help wondering if anyone - or anything- was looking down!
G.I just couldn't understand why I was being sent - me, a true sceptic!
H.Eye-witness accounts later described the craft as unlike anything that had ever been seen on Earth.​

Read the text again. Seven sentences are missing Match each sentence (A-H) to the gaps (1-7). There

kirillan2 kirillan2    2   02.03.2021 19:41    70

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