Read the text again. Make questions about Tom's life Tom is an engineer. He is 23. He works at IBM. Every morning he drives a car to work. He starts working
at half past nine and finishes at a quarter to seven. He usually comes home at nine o'clock in the
evening. Sometimes he has dinner with his cousin Sam at the small local restaurant "The Pearl". Sam
studies medicine at university. After dinner, Sam stays at Tom's place and they watch TV together. At the
weekend Tom plays golf with his friends or goes to the cinema.
is old How Tom
? – He is 23
his is what job
? – He is an engineer.

Andy01 Andy01    2   15.12.2020 16:31    66

programprogram programprogram  12.01.2024 17:27
1. How old is Tom?
- Tom is 23.

2. What is Tom's job?
- Tom is an engineer.

3. What time does Tom start working?
- Tom starts working at half past nine.

4. What time does Tom finish working?
- Tom finishes working at a quarter to seven.

5. What time does Tom usually come home?
- Tom usually comes home at nine o'clock in the evening.

6. Who does Tom have dinner with sometimes?
- Tom has dinner with his cousin Sam sometimes.

7. What does Sam study at university?
- Sam studies medicine at university.

8. What do Tom and Sam do after dinner?
- After dinner, Sam stays at Tom's place and they watch TV together.

9. What does Tom do on weekends?
- On weekends, Tom plays golf with his friends or goes to the cinema.

10. Which company does Tom work for?
- Tom works for IBM.
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