Read the text again and mark the sentences I ( true ) , F ( false ) 1. The Samruk was an ugly bird , 2. The Samruk lived in China long ago . 3. Every year , she travelled to the Tree of Life out on the steppe . 4. People say the egg contained the happiness and wishes of all the people in Kazakhstan . 5. A huge dragon watched the Samruk leave and swallowed the golden egg . 6. The next spring , the Samruk didn't return to the Tree of Life again .​

Read the text again and mark the sentences I ( true ) , F ( false ) 1. The Samruk was an ugly bird ,

дочь17 дочь17    2   04.03.2021 20:38    1

Amarcy Amarcy  04.03.2021 20:40

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