Read the text again and mark (√) the 5 things John writes about. One sentence is done as an example.  

√  A         John lives in the village.

B        John`s village is situated on a mountain top in the Himalayas.

C         Interesting history of  the village.

D         He told about pastures and meadows.

E         He wrote about prosperity of flora and fauna.

F         He wrote about the climate of his village.

G        The quality of  the food grown there.

H         The people in John`s village are very kind

Read the text again and mark (√) the 5 things John writes about. One sentence is done as an example.

Saens321 Saens321    1   15.12.2020 16:00    5

Glenchittt1 Glenchittt1  14.01.2021 16:03

B John s village is situated on a

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