Read the text about green cars.


Can you imagine the day when you will no longer need to stop for fuel at petrol stations? Or how about flying to work in your own car? Do you think this is science fiction? Let’s see what Dr Stephen Green, director of Cars of the Future International, has to say.

What does your company do?

Well, our job is to design and test cars that won’t pollute the environment. Scientists from all over the world work for the company.

Why are your cars friendlier for the environment?

These cars don’t run on petrol. Instead, they use alternative sources of energy, such as solar power, electricity, natural gas or even water.

But will these cars really help to reduce air pollution?

Yes, I believe they will. There will be almost no car exhaust fumes, or there won’t be any fumes at all! People will also save a lot of money on petrol.

Will these cars be cheaper than the ones we have now?

They will, of course, be expensive in the beginning. However, we’re going to find large companies to produce them at a lower cost.

Are you working on any special type of car at the moment?

Right now, we’re testing a new solar car. We’re going to present our results at a conference in Tokyo next month.

Do you have any other plans for the future?

We are soon going to start work on a flying vehicle! Can you imagine that? No more traffic jams!

Fill in the gaps:

1. Or how about
in your own car?

2. There will be almost no car
, or there won’t be any fumes at all! People will also save a lot of money on petrol.

3. However, we’re going to find large companies to
them at a lower cost.

Nikitymba Nikitymba    1   08.12.2021 15:47    92

DJZargo DJZargo  21.12.2023 10:34
1. Or how about flying to work in your own car?

This sentence is asking if you can imagine a day when you can fly to work in your own car. The word "flying" suggests that the car would have the ability to fly, like an airplane. This may sound like something from a science fiction movie, but the text is discussing the possibility of cars with new technologies in the future.

2. There will be almost no car exhaust fumes, or there won’t be any fumes at all! People will also save a lot of money on petrol.

This sentence explains the benefits of the new cars for the environment and people's wallets. The phrase "no car exhaust fumes" means that these cars won't release harmful gases into the air like traditional cars do. This will help reduce air pollution. It also mentions that people will save money on petrol, which is the fuel used in regular cars. Since the new cars won't run on petrol, people won't need to spend money on it.

3. However, we’re going to find large companies to produce them at a lower cost.

This sentence talks about the cost of the new cars. It mentions that they will be expensive in the beginning because they are new and advanced. However, the company plans to find large companies to produce them at a lower cost. This means that once the production is scaled up and more cars are made, the price will likely decrease. This is similar to how prices of new technologies often decrease over time as they become more popular and accessible.
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