Read the questionnaire and complete the questions with How much or How many. How much sugar and salt do YOU have a day? Sugar spoonfuls of sugar do you have in your 1. tea or coffee? a three or more b two c one dnone cans of cola (or other fizzy drinks) do you drink a day? a three or more b two c one dnone fruit or fruit juice do you have a day? 3. a a lot b quite a lot c not much d none sweets or biscuits do you eat a week? a a lot b not many c very few d none 4 Salt 5 How often do you add salt to your food at the table? a always b often c sometimes d never takeaway food do you eat? a a lot b quite a lot c not much d none bread do you eat a day? a a lot b quite a lot c a little d none cheese do you eat a week? 8. a a lot b quite a lot c a little d none​

Angelinamskul Angelinamskul    2   11.03.2021 13:10    106

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