Read the following sentences describing changes and decide if the verb or noun underlined is correct
or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick () in the space provided. If it is incorrect, write the correction.
1 Domestic sales of toothpaste have raised by 4.5 per cent over last year.
2 Procter & Gamble increased its market share in the European personal care category with the acquisition of
the Blendax line of products.
3 The consolidation of product development operations in Asia brought about a reduce in the research and
development staff.
4 The candle part of the business saw a rapid decline after the electric light bulb was invented.
5 The successful nationwide marketing campaign rose shampoo sales dramatically.
6 With the introduction of refill packs for liquid laundry detergents, packaging was reduced by 85 per cent.
7 Consumption of traditional cotton nappies has dropped dramatically since the introduction of the
disposable nappy.
8 There was a 100 per cent raise in business in South Africa in 1994.