Read and translate the words paying attention to the suffixes.

in introduce - introduction - introductive - introductory
to enter - entry - entrance - entrant
to fix - fixed - fixedness - fixative - fixedly
to save - safety - safe
to use - useful - useless - user - usage
to create - creation - creative - creator - creature
to encourage - encouraged - encouraging - encouragement - encourager
to appoint - appointment - appointed - appointing
to promote - promoted - promoting - promotion - promoter
to assist - assistance - assistant - assistless
to manage - management - manager - manageable
to increase - increased - increasing - increasingly
efficient - efficiently - efficiency
to establish - established - establishing - establishment
to exist - existed - existing - existence - co-existence
to cover - covered - covering - cover
to maintain - maintained - maintaining - maintenance

марина1087 марина1087    3   06.10.2019 13:57    33

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