Read and translate the text and answer the questions below it: Young generation
Human relationship is one of the most complicated puzzles in life. It is because it contains a huge amount of various aspects in the first place. Relationship between generations is not an exception. The main difficulty which generations face is their completely different backgrounds. It is different environment they were brought up in which creates a huge gap between them. That’s why the attitudes to the simplest things in life are different. For example, most of our grandparents tend to store various useless (from our point of view) things because at their time those things were hard to buy. And we, their grandchildren on the contrary throw much away because we are brought up in the ‘era of consumers’.
Rapid development of technology makes the gap even wider. New technical devices appear so quickly that it is difficult for granddads and grandmas to adapt to them. Some grandparents are more flexible and they start using those devices with pleasure. But for the great many of them such concepts as the Internet, mobile phone or MP3 player are abstract.
These are factors we can hardly influence. But there is a cause for the gap between generations that is in our power but we do nothing to solve it – it’s our willingness to understand each other or to communicate with each other. We say we have no time, our time is stretched to its limits, we are busy as beavers – these are only excuses! We have to earn money – it’s really so, but the one who loves and cares will find time, whatever it costs him. Family is for some reason not in the priority this day. Business, success and money are number one goals.
To cut a long story short, we have to pay attention to the things in life, which really matter. They are our nearest and dearest. The rest will wait.
1) What is the generation gap?
2) What’s the reason of the generation gap?
3) Why do grandparents usually tend to store a lot of old and useless things?
4) How does rapid development of technology influence the generation gap?
5) What are number one goals nowadays?
6) How can we overcome the generation gap?