Read and translate the following sentences. State the voice and tense form of the predicates.

1) The bridge, which is being built now, will be used for the movement of both road and railway traffic. 2) The car was moving very fast and the traffic cop stopped it for speeding. 3) Newspaper correspondents arrived at the aviation plant when the new passenger airplane was being tested. 4) The trains that go to and from London are very crowded at the times when people are traveling to work, since about a million people work in London but live in its suburbs. 5) The business day was in high gear [to be in high gear – быть в полном разгаре]: the mail was being looked through, the documents were being typed, letters were being answered, and talks were being hold. 6) The construction of this high-speed line is being actively

supported by the government because the development of heavy industry in this region requires reliable and speedy railway traffic. 7) Automobiles were rushing in both directions and it was impossible to cross the street. 8) The train is being delayed because of track repair work. 9) The policeman stopped a man and asked: «Why are you crossing the street in the wrong place? » 10) As we were going along the track, we saw a group of workers who were discussing something. 11) The media, such as radio and television, tell us what is happening in the world. 12) If passengers want something to eat or drink while they are waiting for their trains they can go to the «Refreshment Room». 13) The program of railway reforms is being implemented now in Russia. Under this program suburban and regional passenger services will be financed from local budgets. At the same time the government promised to fund inter-city passenger service.

Rimmakrasa Rimmakrasa    2   26.03.2020 19:28    16

ашме ашме  20.12.2023 13:28
1) The bridge, which is being built now, will be used for the movement of both road and railway traffic. Translation: Мост, который строится сейчас, будет использоваться для движения как автомобильного, так и железнодорожного транспорта. Voice: passive voice Tense form: present continuous and future simple 2) The car was moving very fast and the traffic cop stopped it for speeding. Translation: Автомобиль двигался очень быстро, и сотрудник ГИБДД остановил его за превышение скорости. Voice: active voice Tense form: past continuous and past simple 3) Newspaper correspondents arrived at the aviation plant when the new passenger airplane was being tested. Translation: Корреспонденты газеты прибыли на авиационный завод, когда новый пассажирский самолет проходил испытания. Voice: passive voice Tense form: past simple and past continuous 4) The trains that go to and from London are very crowded at the times when people are traveling to work, since about a million people work in London but live in its suburbs. Translation: Поезда, которые отправляются в Лондон и оттуда, очень переполнены во время, когда люди едут на работу, так как около миллиона человек работают в Лондоне, но живут в его пригородах. Voice: active voice Tense form: present simple and present continuous 5) The business day was in high gear [to be in high gear – быть в полном разгаре]: the mail was being looked through, the documents were being typed, letters were being answered, and talks were being hold. Translation: Рабочий день был в разгаре: проверяли почту, печатали документы, отвечали на письма и вели переговоры. Voice: passive voice Tense form: past simple and past continuous 6) The construction of this high-speed line is being actively supported by the government because the development of heavy industry in this region requires reliable and speedy railway traffic. Translation: Строительство этой высокоскоростной линии активно поддерживается правительством, потому что развитие тяжёлой промышленности в этом регионе требует надёжного и быстрого железнодорожного транспорта. Voice: passive voice Tense form: present continuous 7) Automobiles were rushing in both directions and it was impossible to cross the street. Translation: Автомобили мчались в обоих направлениях, и было невозможно перейти улицу. Voice: active voice Tense form: past continuous and past simple 8) The train is being delayed because of track repair work. Translation: Поезд задерживается из-за ремонтных работ на пути. Voice: passive voice Tense form: present continuous 9) The policeman stopped a man and asked: «Why are you crossing the street in the wrong place? » Translation: Полицейский остановил мужчину и спросил: "Почему вы переходите улицу в неправильном месте?" Voice: active voice Tense form: past simple and present continuous 10) As we were going along the track, we saw a group of workers who were discussing something. Translation: Когда мы шли вдоль пути, мы увидели группу рабочих, которые обсуждали что-то. Voice: active voice Tense form: past continuous and past continuous 11) The media, such as radio and television, tell us what is happening in the world. Translation: СМИ, такие как радио и телевидение, рассказывают нам о том, что происходит в мире. Voice: active voice Tense form: present simple 12) If passengers want something to eat or drink while they are waiting for their trains they can go to the «Refreshment Room». Translation: Если пассажиры хотят что-то поесть или попить, пока они ждут свои поезда, они могут пойти в "Зал ожидания". Voice: active voice Tense form: present simple 13) The program of railway reforms is being implemented now in Russia. Under this program suburban and regional passenger services will be financed from local budgets. At the same time the government promised to fund inter-city passenger service. Translation: Программа железнодорожных реформ в настоящее время реализуется в России. В рамках этой программы пригородные и региональные пассажирские службы будут финансироваться из местных бюджетов. В то же время правительство обещало финансировать междугородние пассажирские перевозки. Voice: passive voice Tense form: present continuous and future simple
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