Read and find out the correct options. the continent of africa is one of the most warlike continents – there’s always a war or several wars there. angolan people, for instance, don’t seem to remember what living in peace is like. they’ve never experienced peaceful life for long. from the 16th century up to 1975. angola belonged to portugal and was its overseas territory. the fight for freedom never stopped but when independence was gained at last, an intense civil war broke out. the main opposing forces were unita, which stands for national union for the total independence of angola a mpla – the people’s movement for the liberation of angola. these two political parties were originally founded to free the nation from portuguese colonial rule. however, after independence was declared, their military confrontation subjected angolan people to further suffering. officially, the civil war was considered to be over in 2002, but the country is still being torn apart by major and minor conflicts. in angola the breaks between wars never lasted longer than one year. t b) f c) not stated when angola became free from invaders, it slid into civil war. t b) f c) not stated in the 19th century, the portuguese language was spoken by everyone in angola. t b) f c) not stated unita fought for the country’s national independence. t b) f c) not stated

ConyaMiMiMi ConyaMiMiMi    2   21.09.2019 03:10    6

TastyDonut TastyDonut  10.09.2020 13:16
1. затрудняюсь сказать
2. T
3.С) Not stated
4. F
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