Read and complete the sentences with the words. life, needs, ecosystem, changed, future, invented, technology, sources
Human environment is a man-made en-invented new technologies. Communication
vironment. It was (1) ... by humans for their became easier and fast across the world.
needs. Before (2)
appeared, humans They formed a man-made (5)
lived in the natural environment. They had
We need a balance between the natural
an environment-friendly life. With time, their and man-made environment. If we use the
(3) ... grew and grew. Humans learnt new natural (6) wisely, we can have a healways to change their environment for their thy balance. We should use our resources
wisely and learn to save them. Natural reThey learnt to grow crops and animals, and sources like wood, minerals, water and air
build houses. They (4) the wheel, money, are important for (7) ..
If we do not use
trade and business. Transportation became them wisely, we may run out of them one
faster. It became possible after they had day. We should think about our (8).
Lesson 2 What are the alternative sources to fossil fuels?

nOMOSHHuK nOMOSHHuK    2   29.03.2021 14:30    3

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