развернуто ответить на вопросы (все идиомы переведены) 1) is anything making you anxious at the moment?
2) are you in two minds (неуверен) about doing something?
what could help you to be less indecisive
3)when was the last time you were over the moon (рад) about something?
4) have you ever lost face (было стыдно) because of something you did? How did you improve the situation?
5) what kind of behaviour makes you blow your top (выводили из себя)?
what was the last thing that made you furious?
. No, it isn't. Nothing is making me anxious at the moment.
2 No, I am not . Self-confidence could help me to be less indecisive.
3.It was at my birthday party when I got a present of my dream.
4.Yes, I have. It was when I quarreled with my friend. I have made up with my friend to improve the situation.
5. Dishonesty makes me blow my top. Frankly speaking I don't remember what was the last thing that made me furious.