Разговорная лексика в американских журналах для молодежи celeb от celebrity знаменитость
fave от favourite любимый
lad парень
gal девчонка
dosh деньги
natter болтать
bestie лучший друг, лучшая подруга
bro от brother брат (иногда – лучший друг)
fam от family семья
fash от fashionable модный
pics от pictures фотки
TBH от To be honest, … честно говоря
TFW от That feeling when… то чувство, когда
Sound off below! Пишите ваше мнение/комменты внизу

Прочитайте вырезки из постов подростков в соцсетях. Некоторые разговорные и сленговые слова были заменены на нейтральные. Перепишите предложения так, как они выглядели в оригинале, используя слова из таблички.
Kate Raddie
My favourite celebrity’s Celine Dion. I like her songs and the way she looks. She’s really fashionable! And… you won’t believe this… I met her in the street yesterday! That feeling when you found herself in a dream or some fairy tale! Wow! I still can’t realize that I saw Celine Dion in reality! But that’s not the end of the story! She let me take some pictures with her! You can see them on my page (I posted them yesterday). What’s your favourite celebrity? Have you ever seen them in real life? Write your comments bellow!
Jack Richardson
Hi, boys and girls! I’ve earned the first money in my life! I was working as an assistant mechanic in the vehicle repair workshop the whole summer. To be honest, I love cars and I liked that job! I learnt lots of things there. So I’ve decided to become an automobile engineer. I want to build cars! My family and my best friend support my decision. My elder brother is an engineer too. We talk with him yesterday and he said that building cars is hard, but very interesting work! And who do you want to be? Write your comments bellow!

meet (met in Past Simple) – встретить earn – заработать
fairy tale – сказка механика
realize – осознать vehicle repair workshop – мастерская по ремонту авто
let – позволить to decide – решить
a decision – решение
take pictures – сфотографироваться become – стать
page – страничка engineer – инженер
a post – пост в соцсетях
to post – выложить что-л. в соцсети support – поддерживать

Koshka1563 Koshka1563    2   30.11.2021 20:15    0

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