Разговор двух друзей, надо вставить слова: gill- next week? tom- to the natural history museum, in london. gill- by train? tom- no, we're going by bus. giil- there? tom- we're going to see the blue whale exhibition. gill- the dinosaurs too? tom- yes, and the 'fossilis from britain'. gill- have you got any money to spend? tom- yes, i've got $10. i'm a poster. !

sultanguloverik2 sultanguloverik2    3   18.05.2019 07:20    5

Andreyp2881 Andreyp2881  11.06.2020 13:42

1) where are you going next week?
2) are you going by train?
3) what are you going to do there?
5) Im going to buy a poster 

MaveJ MaveJ  11.06.2020 13:42

Where are you going to go...?

Are you going ...?

What are you going to do there...?

Are you going to see...?

going to buy

В последнем я не уверена(

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