Разделительные вопросы 1)it`s a fine & 2) ann has a new & 3) hob must work & 4)they gave her a clock/& 5) my friend plays & 6)you were in england last & 7)jack wouldn`t like to stay with his sister`s & 8) she doesn`t like & 9) i won`t visit my granny ne[t & 10)you could understand &

catyaserduck catyaserduck    2   19.06.2019 09:20    2

sashka1586 sashka1586  02.10.2020 05:13
1)...isn't it?
2)...hasn't she?
3)...mustn't he?
4)...didn't they?
5)...doesn't he?
6)...weren't you?
7)...would he?
8)...does she?
9)...will you?
10)...couldn't you?
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