РАЗДЕЛ 3 (Задания по грамматике и лексике)

Прочитайте информацию об известном журналисте. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1 – 16, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 1 – 16.

1 Alistair Cooke as an outstanding journalist of the 20th HONOUR

2 century. Before 1936 Cooke a 15-minute talk London Letter MAKE

for American Listeners on life in Britain. During the Second World War Alistair Cooke

3 throughout the United States, writing about the lifestyle of TRAVEL

ordinary Americans during the war and their attitude towards it.

4 In 1946 Cooke to do another weekly programme Letter from ASK

5 America, in which Cooke presented own view on the most significant events HE

6 of the century. The programme for about BROADCAST

7 sixty years until the 20th of February 2004. Also, Cooke WRITE

for the Guardian newspaper and as a foreign correspondent for the Times.

8 In 1952, Cooke the host of CBS's Omnibus, which BECOME

9 was commercial network television series devoted to the arts. Cooke ONE

10 achieved his popularity in the USA in this role. GREAT

11 After Cooke's death on March 30, 2004, it DECIDE

12 that his BBC radio programme Letter from America on a website. PUT

13 Colin Webb, Cook's literary secretary, said that if the people went online, they FIND

14 there Cook's weekly broadcasts over 58 years. The online archive will give THEY

a unique range of topics. Susan Kittredge, Cook's daughter, was asked if

15 she of this project. She hoped that the project ARRROVE

16 a success. BE

Semechko228 Semechko228    2   27.05.2020 06:01    818

sabinaibragimo6 sabinaibragimo6  27.04.2022 11:44
Ну там 1999 скоро2000
Адзначце складаназалежныя сказы, часткі якіх звязаны пры дапамозе падпарадкавальных злучнікаў: 1) Вера заўважала, што маці яе з гадамі рабілася ўсё больш набожнай; 2) На агародзе, дзе быў адведзены ўчастак пад новы дом, ляжалі кучы цэглы і пяску; 3) Як толькі цягнік спыніўся, усе пасажыры рушылі на перон; 4) Непадалёк ад Нарачы хаваецца ў густых лясах купка азёр, якія называюць блакітнымі; 5) Асабліва прыгожа было, калі з двара свяціла ў хатку сонца.
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