Рассказать про среднюю школу в Англии (на основе текста в прикреплённом файле) думаю там видно ,если нет то:
School days can be the best days in a child's life. they will learn a lot of interesting things and can make friends who will stay with them for life. School subjects Children in England attend secondary school between the ages of 11 and 16. they study many different subjects, such as English, Mathematics, natural sciences, geography and art. at the age of 14 to 16, all students are preparing for final exams. This is a qualification that students can use to get a job or continue their studies. school life in most schools in England there is a school uniform. the uniform usually has the school colors. children go to school during the week and spend up to 8 lessons a day. they have a morning break lasting about 15 minutes and an hour break for lunch where they can meet their friends. Some students have lunch in the school cafeteria every day, but many bring packed lunch. After school, the day does not always end at 3:30 pm. many students study after school. Some are members of the school's football or hockey teams and compete with other schools in their area. other students participate in the school choir or play instruments in the orchestra and perform at musical events during the school year. There are other clubs that students can join, such as an art, drama, or computer club, to give them a full learning experience.

Рассказать про среднюю школу в Англии (на основе текста в прикреплённом файле) думаю там видно ,если

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