Рассказ про кухню. 18 небольших предложений. ​

7kotik7myr7myr7 7kotik7myr7myr7    2   19.10.2019 21:36    4

dasha281182 dasha281182  10.10.2020 08:03
На русской кухне есть деревянные ложки. Поворёшки кастрюли. На кухне есть женщина и она главная на кухне. Есть русский деревянный стулья и стол. Всегда когда седят за столом есть золотое правило когда я ем Есть печь. Варят только на кухне русской вкустную еду. Кухня большая. Всегда должны быть запасные стулья вдруг гости придут чем смог
steel09090 steel09090  10.10.2020 08:03
Russian national cuisine has passed an extremely long development path.
There are many original Russian dishes, such as bliny. No one will say exactly when they first appeared on the table.
Another original Russian food is brown bread. In Russia, it is impossible to imagine a single meal without bread. White bread appeared much later.
The national feature of Russian cuisine is the great popularity of various soups. Liquid dishes were always present on the table. Now, lunch without soup for the Russians is not lunch, but just a light snack. Soups are hot and cold. The first category includes cabbage soup, solyanka, borscht.
Among cold soups, a cold soup called Okroshka is popular. Okroshka is a cold soup, a traditional dish of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine.
Russian drinks have a deep history. Birch sap, brines, fruit drinks, beer, kvass, honey, forest teas. All of them are not alike and have different purposes.
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