Рассказ про бурундука на языке 7 предложений

makspayneg makspayneg    3   13.09.2019 08:00    3

bagzina bagzina  07.10.2020 11:24
Chipmunk – quick, crafty, deftly running through the branches of trees. Animal is curious and not very fearful. Shallow hole Chipmunk builds under the root of the tree; the hole is a storage room. Then there just no! Lime seeds, grains, acorns, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, berries of rose hips. For two to three months of inventory going five pounds, and then ten. A clever animal, not lumping everything together, and carefully sorts known to him alone burunduchapo principle. In the winter the Chipmunk sleeps, though from time to time wakes up and checks his stocks, is everybody okay? And sleeps on.
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