Рассказ по "моё путешествие" от 1 лица 5 класс

mmmm50 mmmm50    2   30.08.2019 09:30    1

misszephir25 misszephir25  06.10.2020 04:47
I went to Rostov last summer. I was very lucky with the weather, It was hot.  I swam with my family and ate watermelon and corn. I liked it very much and didn`t want to come back home. It was the best holiday in my life!
salihvalishev salihvalishev  06.10.2020 04:47
A long time ago, in summer I went to rostovskoy region. it was rely hot their, and we went swimming. after wads I eat a watermelon  and corn. I tout lots of walks with my sitter and my dog. I rely liked it there. and when ti was time to leave, Idid not want to. that is how I spend my weak in Rostov.
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