Рассказ о незнакомце встретившимся в аэропорту на языке.название whj is it? из какой он страны? как выглядит? в какой город у него билет? кто он по профессии? что на нем надето? что у него с собой? что он должен сделать в аэропорту?

lizamankova94 lizamankova94    1   31.05.2019 15:30    1

dianochka17dor dianochka17dor  01.10.2020 15:58
I found one suspicios person in the Airport. He wore clean black coat,jeans and boots. He held a big strange bag in his arms,I think, this bag was made for medicine. I saw a big red plus on it.
I thought alot,but then I decided to speak to him-I bored waiting. I knew so much more about him. He is a doctor,and he is going to fly to USA and get a good job. He is British,but he doesn't like this country because of weather. So he wanted to fly to sunny New-York and become a famous surgery(хирург).
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