Рассказ о комнате по 10 - 15 реченнь

576474811624 576474811624    2   21.09.2019 07:10    1

kuznecov16 kuznecov16  08.10.2020 06:37
My room is very light and large. There is a sofa on the right. Next to the sofa there is a yellow nightstand. You can see a vase with flowers on my dresser. On the left side of the dresser there is a window. And next to the window there is my desk where I do my homework. Of course,  I have a computer desk with my new net-book which connected to Internet. Along the long wall of my room there is a book-case with many shelves for books and CD-disks. There are some posters with my favorite pop-singers on the walls. And in the middle of the room there is a colorful carpet. I love my room!
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zamyatkinayowf0rc zamyatkinayowf0rc  08.10.2020 06:37
My room is very big! I have two bed, one chair, one table and one wardrobe. I live wits my sister. Больше придумать не могу, но если , что обращайтесь.
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