Рассказ на мой любимый вид спорта. катание на роликах либо на велосипеде. 10

Asuamasya Asuamasya    3   15.08.2019 20:00    0

lyutaevayulya lyutaevayulya  04.10.2020 21:42
Basketball is my Favorite Sport. I like basketball because this sport is a great way to have fun with friends. We love playing basketball in the school, on the street, but mostly on the beach in the summer. One thing I love basketball is that people have many different styles of play. There are styles such as a passer, playmaker, shooter, defensive player, and dunker or highflyer. Many people have creative ideas and find new ways to trick the opposing players. So when I possess the ball in basketball I have the mentality of being the best and no one could stop me.
There are many reasons why I think basketball is the best sport. Firstly, basketball is a sport for all age groups. Secondly, basketball builds up muscle strength, so your body is kept in perfect shape. And thirdly, in addition to its physical benefits, basketball is also an effective way to relax.
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