Расшифруй слова и найди их значения.запиши ответы в таблицу. 1) ginvil moro 2) thineck 3) boomtarh 4) redgan 5) doomber 6) suhoe. начни вопрос, используя is, are. in the bathroom? sister in the kitchen? mum and dad in the garden? friends inthe house? you friend in the living room?

sergeevan73 sergeevan73    2   22.08.2019 20:50    36

kirillnesterov06 kirillnesterov06  31.08.2020 19:47

1) living room - гостиная, зал

2) kitchen - кухня

3) bathroom - ванная комната

4) garden - сад

5) bedroom - спальня

6) house - дом


1. Are you in the bathroom?

2. Is your sister in the kitchen?

3. Are your mum and dad in the garden?

5. Are your friends in the house?

6. Is your friend in the living room?