Расшифруй слова и найди их значение. запиши ответы в таблицу. 1. rorim a) стакан 2. fosa b) зеркало 3. roocke с) шкаф с полками 4. dubaproc d) диван 5. slags e) холодильник 6. reddif f) кухонная плита 1. b - mirror 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. перепиши слова, расставляя их по алфавиту. sofa, cooker, glass, fridge, mirror, cupboard. вставь is или are 1. there four rooms in the house. 2. there a car next to the house. 3. there two children in the family. 4. there a sofa in the living room. 5. there a pencil case in the desk. 6. there three books in the school bag. 7. there two sandwiches in the lunch box. 8. there an apple on the table. напиши по образцу: образец: glass (3) - three glasses 1. banana (5) 2. shelf (4) 3. body (2) 4. plus (7) 5. sandwish (10) 6. day (28) 7. box (44) 8. head (3)

лиод1 лиод1    3   24.09.2019 16:50    108

Стариат Стариат  04.08.2020 15:24
A - glass
C - cupboard
D - sofa
E - fridge
F - cooker

Cooker, cupboard, fridge, glass, mirror.

Are, is, are, is, is, are, are, is.

Five bananas, four shelves, two bodies, seven pluses, ten sandwiches, twenty-eight days, forty-four boxes, three heads.
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