Распределите высказывания по группам. Объясните свой выбор. Переведите предложения.
Positive meaning Negative meaning
1. When Sarah started laughing during the argument, it really added
fuel to the fire!
2. Person A: “I have to tell you about what happened on our trip to
Person B: “I’m all ears!”
3. He’s in his 90’s, but he’s fit as a fiddle!
4. The protest got out of hand and the police had to intervene when
some demonstrators broke down a fence.
5. I’ve heard you have green fingers – we’ll have to get your advice
about our garden!
6. Frank is a great asset to our team as he always goes the extra
7. She’s a great cook, but the meal she made really wasn’t my cup
of tea. It was far too spicy.
8. My English exam was a piece of cake.
9. This industry is so competitive; it’s easy to get stabbed in the
back by your closest colleagues.
10. We splashed out on new phones for the whole family.
11. Are you going to finish those carrots on your plate? If not, I’ll
have them. Waste not, want not!
12. Social democracy seemed to deliver the best of both worlds,
economic efficiency and social justice.

ufkvkvkg ufkvkvkg    1   20.01.2021 17:38    85

aarseni2006 aarseni2006  26.12.2023 20:42
Positive meaning:
1. When Sarah started laughing during the argument, it really added fuel to the fire!
Explanation: This expression means that Sarah's laughter only made the argument worse or more intense, hence it has a negative connotation.

2. Person A: "I have to tell you about what happened on our trip to Spain..."
Person B: "I'm all ears!"
Explanation: This expression means that Person B is eager and willing to listen attentively to Person A, showing interest and enthusiasm, hence it has a positive connotation.

3. He's in his 90's, but he's fit as a fiddle!
Explanation: This expression means that despite his age, the person mentioned is in very good health and physical condition, hence it has a positive connotation.

4. The protest got out of hand and the police had to intervene when some demonstrators broke down a fence.
Explanation: This sentence describes a situation where the protest became chaotic and uncontrollable, leading to police intervention. It highlights a negative aspect of the protest.

5. I've heard you have green fingers - we'll have to get your advice about our garden!
Explanation: This statement means that the person mentioned is good at gardening and therefore their advice is sought after. It has a positive connotation.

6. Frank is a great asset to our team as he always goes the extra mile.
Explanation: This expression means that Frank puts in extra effort and goes beyond what is expected, making him a valuable and positive addition to the team.

7. She's a great cook, but the meal she made really wasn't my cup of tea. It was far too spicy.
Explanation: This sentence means that the person mentioned is skilled at cooking, but the specific meal prepared was not to the speaker's liking. It has a negative connotation.

8. My English exam was a piece of cake.
Explanation: This statement means that the English exam was very easy for the speaker, indicating a positive experience.

9. This industry is so competitive; it's easy to get stabbed in the back by your closest colleagues.
Explanation: This expression means that in the competitive nature of this industry, one should be cautious as even close colleagues can betray or deceive you, highlighting a negative aspect.

Negative meaning:
10. We splashed out on new phones for the whole family.
Explanation: This sentence means that the family spent a lot of money extravagantly on new phones. Though it can be seen as a positive action, it may also imply financial recklessness or excessive spending, hence it has a negative connotation.

11. Are you going to finish those carrots on your plate? If not, I'll have them. Waste not, want not!
Explanation: This expression means that it is better to avoid wasting food, as it may be needed or desired in the future. It can be seen as a positive encouragement to avoid waste.

12. Social democracy seemed to deliver the best of both worlds, economic efficiency and social justice.
Explanation: This sentence describes social democracy as a political ideology or system that brings about both economic efficiency and social justice. It highlights a positive outcome or advantage of social democracy.
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