Распределите эти выражения в столбики. 2 o'clock, Friday, the morning, night, Tuesday, March, 1st March, the afternoon, 1980, Monday morning, the summer, every summer, my birthday, the weekend, 8.15, July, Friday night, 1804, 4th July, the spring, weekends, Christmas, New Year's Day, yesterday afternoon

At: at 2 oclock, … On: on Friday, … In: in the morning, …

Белка456 Белка456    3   04.12.2020 18:22    17

egorikysik egorikysik  03.01.2021 18:22

At: night, every summer, 8.15, Christmas

On: Tuesday, 1st March, Monday morning, my birthday, the weekend, Friday night, 4th July, weekends, New Year's Day

In: March, the afternoon, 1980, the summer, July, 1804, the spring, yesterday afternoon


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