Раскрыть скобки.поставить прилагательные в сравнительной или превосходной степени. hobbit is(old)than roo. the church is (big) than the farmhouse. this flowerbed is (good). the road is(long) than the path. hobbit`s garden is (beautiful) in his fairy-tale. elephants are (curious) animals.

vitahoptaska343 vitahoptaska343    1   18.03.2019 11:30    1

VladimirOwl VladimirOwl  25.05.2020 23:21

1Hobbit is older than Roo. The church is bigger than the farmhouse. This flowerbed is the best. The road is longer than the path. Hobbit`s garden is the most beautiful in his fairy-tale. Elephants are the most curious animals.

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