раскрыть скобки 1. now a new railway (to be built) between the two cities. 2. last year in june they (to construct) a tunnel through the mountain. 3. now they (to organize) another kind of work at their laboratory. 4. when i came the problem (to be discussed). 5. when sedov was in london a new deep-level tunnel (to be completed) there. 6. the director (to be told) the news when i entered the room. 7. yesterday at the meeting this man (to sit) next to me. 8. the day before yesterday from ten to half past eleven the students (to work) in the chemical laboratory. 9. while i (to work) in the garden, i hurt my back. 10. the television was on but nobody (to watch) it.

Alle963 Alle963    2   11.08.2019 22:50    6

elizavetaliza89 elizavetaliza89  04.10.2020 12:10
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