раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в present continuous,
past continuous или future continuous. выполните перевод
1. today she (to wear) a funny-looking hat.
2. i heard you. i (not to type) at the moment.
3. be quiet, the photographer (to watch) that bird.
4. the children (to play) in the yard at this time tomorrow.
5. he told me he (not to stay) to the end.

konkina konkina    1   06.11.2019 13:15    0

Zakharova2007 Zakharova2007  10.10.2020 11:31

1. Today she is wearing a funny-looking hat. Сегодня она надела смешную шляпу

2. I heard you. I am not typing at the moment. Я слышал тебя. Я не печатаю в данный момент

3. Be quiet, the photographer is watching that bird. Тише, фотограф наблюдает за этой птицей

4. The children will be playing in the yard at this time tomorrow. Дети будут играть во дворе в это время завтра

5. He told me he was not staying to the end. Он сказал мне, что не останется до конца


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