Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён present simple past simple present continuous past continuous 2.What you (to do) at 5 o’clock yesterday -I (to-work) in the library -I (to be) there too but I (not to see )you

15. My mother (to sit) in the sunlight now and I (to set) the table

12. He (to brush) his teeth at the moment

14. You (to talk) nonsense

hanbek81 hanbek81    2   13.03.2021 22:41    0

Nastya060104sataeva Nastya060104sataeva  13.03.2021 22:50

1) were you doing

2)i was working


4)didn`t see

5) is sitting


7)is brushing

8)are talking

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Вадим1523 Вадим1523  13.03.2021 22:50

2.What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday-I was working in the library-I was there too but I didn’t see you.

15.My mother is sitting in the sunlight now and I am setting the table.

12.He is brushing his teeth at the moment .

14.You are talking nonsense.


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