Раскройте скобки, соблюдая правила построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Past Simple Passive.
1. He (to invite) to the club.
2. She (not to call).
3. The flowers (to water)?
4. The car (to fix).
5. The book (not to return).
6. The house (to pay) for?
7. Dinner (to cook).
8. The door (not to open).
9. The water (to drink)?
10. The case (to close).
11. The letter (not to write).
12. The key (to insert) into the keyhole?
13. Flowers (to buy).
14. Messages (not to send).
15. The skill (to improve)?

очень ,сделайте.

fiasko2 fiasko2    3   16.12.2021 14:01    23

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