Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму. все условия реальные. 1) the cat (to scratch) you if you (to pull) her tail. 2) there (to be) very few people in the park if it (to rain) all the morning. 3) if you (to write) to monica, please (to send) my regards. 4) if you (not to stop) eating sweets, you (not to get) any dinner. 5) i (not to go) to the concert if i (have to) work on saturday. 6) she (to buy) that coat if it (to fit) her. 7) if we (to move) to another country, we (to buy) a car. 8) they (not to wait) for me if i (to be) late. 9) if she (to stop) speaking, she (to hear) what he is saying. 10) if she (to have) the choice, she (to choose) this one.

Sayat2007 Sayat2007    2   16.07.2019 05:00    5

titova2017 titova2017  21.09.2020 08:34
Если все условия реальные, то просто используй формулу 1st Conditional: If+Present Tense+will/won't +bare infinitive( без частицы to)
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