Раскройте скобки,поставив глагол в нужную форму страдательного залога. 1. the stories about sherlock holmes (to write) very well. present simple 2. the history of policing in london (to show) in the police museum. present simple 3. scientific technique to solve crimes (to use) by holmes. past simple 4. police museums (to visit) by c.doyle for his stories. past simple 5. police methods and crime-solving techniques (to change) since time of sherlock holmes. present perfect

Екатерина13250804 Екатерина13250804    3   31.08.2019 00:40    1

нурсула1 нурсула1  06.10.2020 06:05
1) is writing
2)is showing
4)were visited
5)have chaged
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