Раскройте скобки ,используя необходимую форму причастия: 1. (to have) dinner, he went out. 2. (to examine) by the doctor, the patient could not stop talking. 3. all the children looked at me (to listen) with great attention. 4. she felt tired (to run) such a long distance. 5. the wind blew (to bring) the smell of coffee. 6. (to hear) the man’s steps the wolf disappeared. 7. (to run) in anger, he gave me money with trembling hands. 8. there are some people (to come) in now. 9. (to translate) two articles, he decided to have a break. 10. while (to discuss) the problem, we sat on the window sill.

Еваююююююююююю Еваююююююююююю    1   26.07.2019 02:50    16

ЛордТарнум ЛордТарнум  24.09.2020 19:25
1haves 2examines 3listenin 4runs 5bring 6hears 7runs 8comes 9translates 10discuss Всё пишется без to
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