Раскройте скобки и поставьте в Past, Present или Future Perfect
1. (do) forus.
2. Shewassorryfor the thingsthatshe (do).
3. I (be) a Londonerforfive and a half years bynextSeptember.
4. I’mafraidhe (forget) thatyouarewaitingforhim.
5. (learn) the truth.
6. BynextTuesdayJill (finish) thesenovelsbyO’Henry.
7. You (have) dinner yet?
8. My friend complainedthatshe (spend) allhermoney.
9. Mollythinks the film(to start) by the timeshegets to Fred’s.
10. I not (see) my bossthisweek.
11. Whenhewentout of the office, hesawthathiscar (disappear).
12. Johnny (translate) thisdocumentby 7pm o’clockthisafternoon.
13. Where is Mr. Green? – He (go) to the bank.
14. The agentrealizedthathe (make) a fatalmistake.
15. Helen (make) ’sbirthday.
16. I not (lookthrough) my favourite magazine yet.
17. Margaretwas a wonderfulcook. Hermother (teach) her to doit.
18. Steven (not/learn) hislessonbytomorrow.
19. Shealready (make) . Theyareon the plates.
20. I lookedout of the window and sawthat the rain (stop) already.