Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.(past simple or past continuous) 1. what (to do) when i(to call) you last night? 2. i (to sit) in a cafe when you (to call). 3. when you (to arrive) at the party? who (to be) there? 4. susie (to watch a film) when she ( to hear) the noise. 5. yestarday i (to go) tj the library, later i (to meet) julie for a coffee. 6. we (to play) tennis when john (to hurt) his ankle. 7. what ( they/to do) at 10 p.m. last night - it was really noisy? 8. he (to take) a shower when the telephone (to ring).

lemon234 lemon234    1   20.06.2019 07:20    0

archakova65 archakova65  02.10.2020 06:00
1) were you doing; called;
2) was sitting; called;
3) did you arrive? Was;
4) was watching; heard;
5) went; met;
6) were playing; hurt;
7) were they doing;
8) was taking; rang.
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