Раскрой скобки, употребив время Present Simple. 1. My sister ... (not to cook) very well
2. You always ... (to read) books in the evening
3. These children ... (not to watch) TV on Sundays
4. ... I usually ... (to play) football?
5. Mike ... (not to write) letters to his brother every week.
6. ... my sister ... (to cook) very well?
7. ... we... (to play) computer games in the evening?
8. These children ...(not to watch) TV on sundays.
9. My mother (to swim) very well.
10. __They ...(not to listen) to the radio every day.

dvaleeva45 dvaleeva45    1   12.05.2021 15:39    0

лолкек66 лолкек66  12.05.2021 15:40

1 doesn't cook

2 read

3 don't watch

4 Do, play

5 doesn't write

6 Does, cook

7 Do, play

8 don't watch

9 swims

10 don't


I,we,they, you - do

He, she, it - does. к глаголу добавляется -s (cook+s=cooks). Но если вопрос ( то есть начинается с does) то -s добавлять не надо.

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