Раскрой скобки(обрати внимание на выделенные слова-подсказки). образец: frogs are uglier(ugly)than kittens. 1) this book is the (boring). 2)helen is a ) girl. 3)giraffesare (tall) animals/ 4)this film ) than that one/ 5)my rabbit has got ) tail. 6)this snake ) of all. 7)winter ) than summer. 8)nick ) boy in our class. 9)polly ) than ann. !

Schoollolo Schoollolo    3   14.08.2019 14:00    41

artem880 artem880  04.10.2020 18:52
Boring-most boring, sad-sad, tall-the tallest, more interesting, short-short, long-longer, cold-colder, the oldest, beautiful-more beatiful
ivankornev00 ivankornev00  18.01.2024 11:39
1) This book is more boring than (any other) book.
To compare the level of boredom between two things, we use the comparative form of the adjective "boring" which is "more boring." In this case, we compare the level of boredom of this book with the level of boredom of any other book.

2) Helen is a (very) girl.
In this sentence, we need to add an adjective to describe the girl. As "very" is a common intensifier used to describe a high degree of a particular characteristic, we can say that Helen is a very girl. However, it is important to note that this sentence might be grammatically incorrect or missing some words as "girl" is usually followed by another noun or adjective to provide a description.

3) Giraffes are (much) taller animals.
To describe the height comparison between giraffes and other animals, we use the adverb "much" before the comparative form of the adjective "tall." As giraffes are known for their exceptional height, we can say that they are much taller than other animals.

4) This film is better than (the other) one.
To compare the quality of two films, we use the comparative form of the adjective "good," which is "better." In this case, we compare the quality of this film with the quality of the other film.

5) My rabbit has got a (short) tail.
To describe the length of the rabbit's tail, we use the adjective "short." This implies that the length of the tail is not long but rather shorter compared to other rabbit's tails.

6) This snake is the (longest) of all.
To compare the length of this snake with other snakes, we use the adjective "longest." It indicates that among all the snakes, this one has the highest length.

7) Winter is (colder) than summer.
To compare the temperature between winter and summer, we use the comparative form of the adjective "cold," which is "colder." This implies that winter has a lower temperature compared to summer.

8) Nick is the (smartest) boy in our class.
To compare the level of intelligence or cleverness among boys in our class, we use the adjective "smartest" to describe Nick. It indicates that he is the boy who possesses the highest level of intelligence or cleverness.

9) Polly is (smarter) than Ann.
To compare the level of intelligence or cleverness between Polly and Ann, we use the comparative form of the adjective "smart," which is "smarter." This implies that Polly has a higher level of intelligence or cleverness compared to Ann.
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