Put the verbs with the correct noun to make a collocation.
study borrow listen to go look at watch
verb noun

1_ a book

2_ some paintings

a film
live music

4_ sightseeing

Nactyxa2003 Nactyxa2003    3   12.01.2020 17:36    4

Софияндра Софияндра  09.01.2024 06:59
1. study a book - When we study a book, it means that we read and examine it in order to gain knowledge or learn about a specific topic. For example, if you have to study a science book for a test, you would read and understand the information in the book to prepare yourself.

2. look at some paintings - When we look at paintings, it means that we observe them visually and try to understand their meaning or appreciate their artistic value. For example, when you visit an art museum, you can look at different paintings and analyze their colors, techniques, and messages.

3. listen to history - When we listen to history, it means that we pay attention to someone talking or explaining about historical events, facts, or stories. For example, in a history class, the teacher may give a lecture or presentation, and students should listen carefully to understand the content.

4. borrow a film - When we borrow a film, it means that we take it from someone or somewhere temporarily in order to watch it. For example, if you want to watch a movie that your friend has, you can ask to borrow it and return it later.

5. go sightseeing - When we go sightseeing, it means that we visit and explore interesting places or tourist attractions in a particular area. For example, if you go on a vacation to a new city or country, you can go sightseeing to see popular landmarks, historical sites, or natural scenery.

6. watch live music - When we watch live music, it means that we attend a performance where musicians or bands play music in real-time. This can be at a concert, music festival, or any live event. For example, if your favorite band is having a concert, you can buy tickets and watch them perform live on stage.

These collocations help us to correctly use the verbs with the appropriate nouns, creating meaningful phrases and expressions in English.
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