Put the verbs in the right forms 1 He met his wife when he work as a waiter.
2 Please, turn off the music. I not listen to it.
I saw not
my parents since I moved to London.
4 4. People fly
to Mars in 2023.
5 Would you like a cup of tea? — No, thank you. I drink / just
it in the cafe.
6 In the USA kids usually go
to school by bus.
7 Where be/ you
when I came home?
8. I think
you would never answer me.

annavilnitskaja annavilnitskaja    2   10.03.2021 12:20    428

Агентство10203040 Агентство10203040  23.01.2024 13:10
1. He met his wife when he worked as a waiter.
To form a sentence in the past tense, we need to change the verb "work" to its past tense form "worked". This is because the action of meeting his wife happened in the past, so we need to use the past tense.

2. Please, turn off the music. I am not listening to it.
In this sentence, we need to use the present continuous tense "am not listening" because the action of not listening to the music is happening now. Additionally, we need to add the auxiliary verb "am" before "not listening" to form the correct verb form.

3. I have not seen my parents since I moved to London.
To form the present perfect tense, we need to use the helping verb "have" before the main verb "seen". This is because the action of seeing the parents happened at an unspecified time in the past, and there is a connection to the present (since moving to London).

4. People will fly to Mars in 2023.
To indicate a future action, we need to use the future tense "will fly". This is because the action of flying to Mars will happen in the future, specifically in the year 2023.

5. Would you like a cup of tea? — No, thank you. I just drank it in the cafe.
In the second sentence, we need to use the past tense "drank" because the action of drinking the tea in the cafe happened in the past. Additionally, we use "just" to indicate that the action happened very recently.

6. In the USA, kids usually go to school by bus.
There is no verb form to change in this sentence. It is already in the correct form, indicating a general truth or habit in the present.

7. Where were you when I came home?
To form a question in the past tense, we need to change the verb "be" to its past tense form "were". This is because the action of being in a specific location (the person's whereabouts) happened in the past, so we need to use the past tense.

8. I thought you would never answer me.
To form a sentence in the past tense, we need to change the verb "think" to its past tense form "thought". This is because the action of thinking about the person not answering happened in the past, so we need to use the past tense.

Overall, it is important to pay attention to the tense and context of the sentence to choose the correct verb form. Verb forms need to match the time frame of the action being described.
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