Put the verbs in the appropriate form. 1. you (find) out about the new timetable yet? 2. they (tell) us about holidays next monday. 3. he (not, be) a newcomer now. he (appear) in our class last year. 4. we (be) here since 10 a.m. we (listen) to a lecture for an hour. 5. our teachers (not, give) us only good marks. 6. all marks and notes (write) into our report books. 7. how long he (study) at this school? 8. by 11 a.m. yesterday they (finish) their test and from 11 to 12 they (write) an essay. 9. some new subjects (learn) by students last year. 10. an interesting educational programme (show) to us next week.

Фиалка2017 Фиалка2017    3   06.07.2019 19:30    1

Режик Режик  02.10.2020 21:32
1. Have you (found) out about the new timetable yet?
2. They (will tell) us about holidays next Monday.
3. He (is not) a newcomer now. He (appeared) in our class last year.
4. We (have been) here since 10 a.m. We (have been listening) to a lecture for an hour.
5. Our teachers (do not give) us only good marks.
6. All marks and notes (are written) into our report books.
7. How long has he (been studying) at this school?
8. By 11 a.m. yesterday they (had finished) their test and from 11 to 12 they (were writing) an essay.
9. Some new subjects (were learnt) by students last year.
10. An interesting educational programme (will be shown) to us next week.
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