Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.Use short forms where possible. (1)
(we/go) to Big Almaty Lake
next Saturday! (2)
(we/get up) early
because (3)
(we/get) the coach from
our hotel lobby. It leaves at 9 o'clock in the morning.
The journey to the lake takes two hours, and then
(we/spend) the whole day there
– about seven hours. We leave Big Almaty Lake
at 5 o'clock. (5)

Лазоревка Лазоревка    3   03.11.2020 20:27    4

Xadice12345 Xadice12345  03.12.2020 20:30

1. We are going

2. We are getting up

3. We are getting

4. We are spending

5. I’m definitely going

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